de ce Adverb, de ce ▼ ▶ why Nu știu de ce plânge, dar a spus ceva despre o fată numită Sorina. I don't know why he's crying, but he said something about a girl named Sorina. Used other than figuratively or idiomatically: see ro, de, ce. De ce ai nevoie? What is it you need? Usage unknown Usage unknown
simți Verb, simți ▼ ▶ (transitive) to feel (of both tangibles and intangibles) Îți simt răsuflarea pe gât. I feel your breath on my neck. De ce simți nevoia să fii atât de prost? Why do you feel the need to be so stupid? (reflexive, with accusative) to feel, to be feeling Te simți bine? Do you feel good? Cum se simte? How is he feeling? to sense, to notice (to perceive with the sense organs) (of animals) to sniff Appox. usage (any sense): 534 per million words Appox. usage (any sense): 534 per million words